
Your Ally In Construction

4 Crucial Steps To Take Before Drilling A Well In Your Home

Well drilling allows households to achieve self-sufficiency as they don't have to rely on the local municipal council for water. Wells produce high-quality water with no chemicals or additives, which can be used for household consumption, agriculture, and landscaping. Before digging a well, it's crucial to follow the right procedures to ensure a long-term supply of quality water. Below are four essential steps to take before drilling a well in your home.

Assess Yield and Usage Needs

Before drilling a well, it's important to assess the well's potential yield against your usage needs. In most homes, wells supplement municipal council water by providing water for landscaping and gardening. However, if you intend to use the bore as the primary source of water, your engineer should assess the water table level, rock structure, and permeability of the soil to estimate the well's yield. This step is crucial for proper water planning and management. 

Test the Ground Water

In an area where many homes have boreholes, it's easy to assume that all groundwater is pure and of good quality. However, this isn't always the case. Testing is the only way to guarantee the quality of the well water in your home. The test reveals:

  • Microorganisms in the water
  • Nitrate, ions, and sulfates in the water
  • Dissolved substances, such as sodium and chloride
  • Other pollutants, such as arsenic, uranium, and selenium

A water test determines the palatability of well water. If the water is of poor quality, you can remediate it and improve its quality. For example, if the water has high sodium and chloride levels, you can install a reverse osmosis filtration system to make it viable for consumption.

Map Out the Location

The placement of a residential well determines its yield, purity, and longevity. When choosing a location for your well, consider the following factors:

  • Distance from sewer systems
  • Distance from structures
  • Potential contamination by animals, debris, and chemicals

If your well is near a sewer system, sewage may seep into the ground and contaminate your water. Thus, choose a spot away from contaminating sources. Also, ensure the chosen location complies with your city's codes and regulations on well water systems.

Plan for Future Protection

Bores require continued protection to maintain the quality of water and prevent waterborne illnesses. Before drilling the well, plan for future protection. How will you secure the well from contamination? Below are a few measures to take:

  • Locate the well uphill to prevent contamination
  • Maintain a pollution-free buffer around the wellhead
  • Eliminate pesticide and inorganic fertilizer use on the property

You should also create a long-term schedule to test water periodically and address emerging contamination issues.

Consider the above tips when drilling a well on your property. For professional input, consult a local well water systems service, such as Golden Gate Well Drilling & Water Conditioning.

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Your Ally In Construction

Having construction work done on your home or property is not always easy. Even though someone else is doing the labor, you have a lot of decisions to make. The more you know about construction work and contractors, the easier time you'll have making those decisions. You may still want to do a little research, but it can be a quick read instead of a deep dive. So, how do you become someone who knows a lot about construction work? Well, you can start by reading on this blog. Then, you can venture out and read some other sources. Before long, you'll know more than we do, simplifying the process of hiring a contractor.
